Chest Pain: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

January 31, 2023

Chest pain can appear in multiple forms, ranging from dull ache to sharp stab. It can also be crushing or burning and in some cases, it can travel up to the neck, into jaws and might also spread down one or both arms and the back.

There can be several causes of chest pain, with the most serious and life-threatening ones being lung or heart diseases. Chest pain should never be ignored, as it might indicate some serious underlying issue. If you have chest pain, consult an expert internal medicine doctor immediately.

For consultation regarding chest pain or any other internal disease, contact Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine and get an appointment with the best Internal Medicine doctor in Bahrain.

For your convenience, our representatives are available on WhatsApp helpline, in Al Hilal Manama, Salmabad, Riffa and Muharraq branches. We also offer exclusive packages and privilege cards for additional benefits- to provide affordable yet exceptional healthcare services to all our patients.

Click here for more information about Chest Pain– by Consultant Internal Medicine, Al Hilal Hospital Bahrain.

Symptoms of Chest Pain

Symptoms of chest pain can be different- depending on the cause of pain. Usually, chest pain is not linked to the heart, however, it is essential to visit healthcare provider to determine the exact cause.

Heart Related Chest Pain

If chest pain is related to heart, the patient would have following symptoms:

  • Tightness, burning, pressure or fullness in the chest.
  • Searing or crushing pain that extends to neck, back, shoulder, jaw, and arms.
  • Pain lasting more than a few minutes, getting worse with activity, going and coming back, or varying in intensity.
  • Cold sweats.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Weakness or dizziness.
  • Vomiting or nausea.

Non-heart related chest pain

If chest pain is not related to heart, possible symptoms would be:

  • Sensation of food re-entering in mouth or a sour taste.
  • Problems swallowing food.
  • Pain getting worse or better upon changing body position.
  • Pain getting worse while coughing or breathing deeply.
  • Tenderness while pressing on chest.
  • Pain persisting for multiple hours.
  • Heartburn with chest pain- a burning and painful sensation behind breastbone- might be caused due to problems of stomach or heart.

It is difficult to differentiate heart related and other types of chest pain. If you are having any symptom of chest pain, contact Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine today- for consultation and early diagnosis. Our representatives are also available on WhatsApp helpline, in Al Hilal Manama, Salmabad, Riffa and Muharraq branches.

Chest Pain & Heart Attack?

Contrary to general assumption, chest pain & heart attack are not always linked. Chest pain can be linked to several other serious ailments as well, including pneumonia, pancreatitis, panic attack, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lungs) and aortic dissection (tear in inner layer of aorta).

Click here for more information about Chest Pain– by Consultant Internal Medicine, Al Hilal Hospital Bahrain.

Chest Pain Reasons

There are multiple chest pain reasons, and all of them require immediate medical attention.

Heart- Related Causes

  • Angina
  • Heart attack
  • Pericarditis (inflammation of sac around heart)
  • Aortic dissection

Digestive Causes

  • Swallowing disorders
  • Heartburn
  • Pancreas or gallbladder issues

Bone and Muscle Causes

  • Sore muscles
  • Costochondritis
  • Injured Ribs

Lung- Related Causes

  • Pleurisy (inflammation of lung-covering membrane)
  • Pulmonary embolism (blood clot in lung)
  • Collapsed lung.
  • Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in arteries of lungs)

Other Causes

  • Shingles
  • Panic attack

Female Chest Pain Causes

Usually, male and female chest pain causes are the same. However, research shows that heart attack symptoms can be different in men and women. In case of heart attack, women are unable to feel an overwhelming pressure in their chest. Instead, they experience nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and pain in both arms, instead of just left arm.

Contact Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine for consultation, early diagnosis and ideal treat options for chest pain. Our representatives are also available on WhatsApp helpline, in Al Hilal Manama, Salmabad, Riffa and Muharraq branches.

Click here for more information about Chest Pain– by Consultant Internal Medicine, Al Hilal Hospital Bahrain.

Chest Pain Location

Chest pain can be anywhere in the front of your body, between upper abdomen and neck. Usually, chest pain location and intensity help in determining the underlying cause- and thus finding the appropriate treatment option.

Left Side Chest Pain

Left side chest pain generally indicates a heart attack, however, it can also be an indication of other medical conditions, including inflammation of lining around heart, or lung problem.

Pain In Middle of Chest

Pain in the middle of chest is generally not an indication of heart attack, instead, it could be a sign of other conditions, like costochondritis, gastritis and sometimes excess gas. While this kind of pain should not be ignored for long, it might not require immediate attention, specially if there is no history of cardiac issues.

Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine

If you have chest pain or any other internal issue, consult an expert Internal Medicine Doctor at the earliest. At Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, we have highly qualified and experienced doctors, state-of-the-art laboratories, and modern equipment, to provide early detection and treatment options for all patients.

Get consultation with the best Internal Medicine Doctor at Al Hilal Hospital Bahrain, for chest pain as well as other internal diseases. For your convenience, our representatives are available on WhatsApp helpline, in Al Hilal Manama, Salmabad, Riffa and Muharraq branches.

We also offer exclusive packages and privilege cards for additional benefits, to provide affordable yet exceptional healthcare services to all our patients.