Best Skin Specialist in Bahrain

October 25, 2022

What is Dermatology?

The branch of medicine that focuses on skin, and diseases of skin, is known as dermatology. It deals with the research, study, and diagnosis of disorders of skin, as well as normal skin. Other aspects of dermatology include aging conditions of skin, cancers and cosmetic procedures, fat, nails, hair, oral and genital membranes.

Who is Skin Specialist/ Dermatologist?

A skin specialist, or dermatologist, is a healthcare professional with specialization in diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the skin, nails and hair and mucus membrane. They can also treat issues such as hair loss, scars, and cosmetic disorders. Some of the dermatologists are surgeons as well.

Skin specialists recognize the symptoms appearing on skin, that might indicate internal issues, including organ failure or disease. Skin is an incredible organ, that protects other organs, provides defense against diseases, and sends message regarding your internal health. It also cools you down and warms you up, and hence it is essential to provide utmost care to your skin.

Multiple hospitals offer highly qualified and trained Indian Dermatologist in Bahrain as well as Filipino Dermatologist in Bahrain. Get in touch with Al Hilal Hospital today, and book consultation with Dermatologist near me.

Types of Dermatologists

Dermatology has four distinct branches:

  • Dermatopathology– a subspeciality combining dermatology and pathology, that deals with the study and identification of various diseases and issues using samples of skin, hair, and nails. This study allows dermatologists to determine the cause and effect of diseases, and consequently their treatment.
  • Pediatric Dermatology– deals with diagnosis and treatment of children, including infants and newborns.
  • Mohs Surgery– specially used to treat skin cancer.
  • Cosmetic Dermatology– deals with treatments and procedures to improve appearance of skin. The branch is called cosmetic dermatology because it is not essential for maintaining health, and mainly includes procedures like laser hair removal, facial volume, chemical peels, and laser therapy to minimize appearance of wrinkles, scars etc. Al Hilal hospital provides the best dermatologist for acne in Bahrain, specialized in various cosmetic procedures and treatment options.

Who needs to visit Dermatologist?

Your skin is giving you several hints about your wellbeing- it is your body’s first line of defense. Being the largest organ of the body, it provides protection against germs, covers nerves, blood vessels and organs. If your skin is not at its best, you should look for Dermatologist near me.

Here are some of the major reasons to visit a dermatologist:

  • Changes in patch or mole on skin- this includes changes in size, color, or shape, and might indicate skin cancer.
  • Acne- dermatologist would help you in putting your best face forward and Al Hilal hospital has the best dermatologist for acne in Bahrain
  • Stubborn rashes or itchy hives- might be allergic reaction or skin infection that needs treatment
  • Blemishes, cuts, scars from acne or scrapes- dermatologist can use various techniques to diminish the marks on face or other parts of body.
  • Skin irritation- red, itchy, and flaky skin that might result from dryness, sensitivity to skincare products, genetics, or some chronic skin condition.
  • Ingrown nails, nail disorders, fungus, and other problems- nails can also show signs of internal disorders, including heart conditions, liver diseases, diabetes or anemia.
  • Hair loss- if you are losing more hair than normal, contact Al Hilal hospital today. We have the best Indian Dermatologist in Bahrain and Filipino Dermatologist in Bahrain to provide ideal healthcare services to our patients.

Benefits of visiting Dermatologist

A visit to dermatologist is helpful in solving several skin conditions, including:

  • Prevention of skin cancer
  • Clearning and improving the appearance of your skin
  • Getting rid of acne
  • Slow down the process of skin aging
  • Getting solution for itchy, dry, or irritated skin
  • Skin care advice- get to know your skin better

If you are looking for Dermatologist Bahrain Riffa, Al Hilal hospital offers best dermatologist for acne in Bahrain. Call us today and get appointment with Dermatologist near me.

  • Department of Dermatology and Cosmetology, Al Hilal Hospital

    The department of Dermatology and Cosmetology in Al Hilal Hospital, Bahrainprovides highly qualified skin specialists, trained staff and state-of-the-art facilities for all the patients. Our specialist dermatologists are currently providing the following treatment options:

    • Diagnosis & Treatment of diseases like Psoriasis, Lichen planus, Vitiligo
    • Treatment of allergies like Atopic dermatitis, Allergic contact dermatitis, other chronic dermatitis
    • Treatment of Hair disorder, Including Baldness
    • Diagnosis & Treatment, Bacterial, Fungal & Viral
    • Diagnosis & Treatment Venereal Diseases
    • Treatment of conditions like Acne, Rosacea
    • Treatment of Nail Disorder

    In addition, the following procedure are offered by Al Hilal Hospital, performed by our highly competitive doctors, using high-tech equipment and advanced facilities

    • Electro fulguration/ Radiofrequency/ Cryotherapy for Warts, Skin Tags, Freckles, Benign Swelling

    Laser treatments

    • For Hair Removal
    • For Scar Treatment – Acne Scar, Rough Skin, Open Pores
    • For Pigmentation – Facial Hyper pigmentation, Tattoo Removal
    • Facial Rejuvenation

    Botox & Filler Injections- for Treatment of Facial Furrows and Wrinkles

    Meso Therapy- for Facial pigmentation, Fine facial lines and Hair loss treatment

    Chemical Peeling– for Fine facial Wrinkles, Acne and Facial hyper-pigmentation/uneven tone

    PRP Therapy– for Facial glow and Hair Loss Treatment

    Surgical Excision– of Benign Swelling, Moles, Xanthelasma of Eye lids, Scar revision Tags and Ear lobe repairing

    Ultrasound Slimming- to removeExcessive body fat

    Vaginal Tightening– Non-Surgical treatment using lasers

    Hair transplantation Unit– permanent convection of baldness in our specially equipped unit. Our dedicated hair treatment unit offer oral and topical medication, in combination with PRP therapy,Meso therapy and in certain cases, also Hair transplantation.

    Dr. Evangelynn Singh Nallapalli, Al Hilal Hospital Manama

    With more than 12 years of experience, Dr. Evangelynn Singh Nallapalli is one of our best dermatologist consultants. She holds a highly impressive profile, and has expertise in treating variety of skin, nail, and hair conditions. Dr. Evangelynn Singh Nallapalli is available in our Manama branch, Saturday to Thursday, 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM & 05:00 PM – 09:00 PM. She holds a proven record of accurate diagnosis and treatment of several conditions.

    To book an appointment with Dr. Evangelynn Singh Nallapalli, visit Al Hilal Hospital Manama, and get benefitted from our outstanding healthcare services.