Effective Home Remedies and Treatments for Dry Cough

July 19, 2023

The common respiratory symptom of a dry cough, often referred to as a non-productive cough, can be brought on by a number of conditions, including allergies, respiratory infections, or irritants. It is distinguished by a protracted cough without phlegm or mucus. Al Hilal Healthcare is available to give you information on the signs, causes, and efficient at-home cures and treatments for a dry cough in order to make you feel better.

Home Remedies for Dry Cough:

While it’s crucial to seek medical guidance, you may also try these reliable at-home cures for a dry cough:

  1. Honey and warm water: Honey naturally suppresses coughs and has calming effects. To relieve your cough, combine a tablespoon of honey with warm water and drink it. For further advantages, squeeze some lemon in as well.
  1. Ginger tea: Due to its anti-inflammatory characteristics, ginger can help calm an irritated throat and lessen coughing. Slices of fresh ginger should be steeped in boiling water for a few minutes to make ginger tea. Warm it up before drinking, and flavour with honey or lemon.
  1. Inhaling steam: Inhaling steam eases throat irritation, moistens the airways, and lessens coughing. Pour boiled water into a bowl. For five to ten minutes, lean over the bowl, place a towel over your head, and breathe in the steam. Be careful to prevent burns.
  1. Warm saltwater gargles: Gargling with warm salt water can ease coughing and relieve sore throats. Gargle for 30 seconds with water that has half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it before spitting it out. Repeat a few times per day.
  1. Peppermint tea: Peppermint soothes the throat and may lessen coughing. To relieve your discomfort, make a cup of warm peppermint tea.
  1. Stay Hydrated: Maintaining adequate hydration helps keep the throat wet and lessens coughing. Some examples of these fluids include water, herbal teas, and warm soups. Avoid alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks because they can dehydrate you.
  1. Eucalyptus Oil: Inhale the steam created by adding a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to boiling water. The expectorant qualities of the oil can aid in liquifying mucus and calming a dry cough.
  1. Elevating Your Head: You can lessen nocturnal coughing and get better sleep by elevating your head with an additional pillow or by raising the head of your bed.

Make an appointment with an ENT doctor right away if these home cures aren’t providing you with relief from the symptoms.

Dry cough symptoms include:

The following signs and symptoms of a dry cough can appear:

  1. A chronic cough that gets worse at night.
  2. A throat tickle or irritation.
  3. A painful throat or hoarseness.
  4. Tightness or soreness in the chest.
  5. Coughing bouts keep you up at night.
  6. Weakness or exhaustion.

Dry cough causes include:

A dry cough can occur due to a number of circumstances, including:

  1. Irritants: Environmental elements that irritate the respiratory passages, such as dust, smoke, pollen, or potent scents, can cause a dry cough.
  1. Allergies: A dry cough may be brought on by allergic reactions to items like pollen, cat dander, or mould.
  1. Respiratory Infections: The body’s immune response to viral infections, such as the common cold or influenza, can cause a dry cough.
  1. Asthma: People who have asthma may encounter a dry cough as a symptom of their illness, which is brought on by allergens or strenuous activity.
  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Acid reflux can aggravate the throat and result in a chronic dry cough.

Dry cough treatments include:

It is advised to seek medical help if home remedies are ineffective or if your dry cough does not go away. Your doctor might advise one of the following therapies:

  1. Over-the-counter Cough Suppressants: Drugs containing the cough suppressant dextromethorphan can help reduce dry coughing temporarily.
  1. Expectorants: These drugs can assist thin and loosen mucus, which facilitates coughing up the mucus. They are frequently advised for dry coughs and congestion.
  1. Prescription Drugs: In some circumstances, your doctor may recommend particular drugs, including antihistamines for allergies or asthma medications, to treat the underlying cause of your dry cough.
  1. Inhalers: To treat cough symptoms brought on by illnesses like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), doctors may prescribe inhalers containing bronchodilators or corticosteroids.

Do’s and Don’ts in Dry Cough:

To manage and prevent dry cough, consider the following tips:


  1. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep your throat moist.
  1. To add moisture to the air in your house, use a humidifier or vaporizer.
  1. Use proper hand washing techniques to stop the spread of respiratory illnesses.
  1. To stop the spread of germs, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when you cough or sneeze.


  1. Keep away from irritants that can cause a dry cough or make one worse, such as smoke, potent scents, or allergens.
  1. Avoid coughing vigorously because it can aggravate the throat and make the coughing episode last longer.
  1. Limit or avoid alcohol and coffee because they might cause the body to become dehydrated and aggravate throat inflammation.
  1. A chronic dry cough that lasts for more than a few weeks or is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms should not be disregarded. Consult a doctor for an accurate assessment and diagnosis.
  1. Stopping smoking as it tends to induce dry cough.

A dry cough can be annoying and interfere with regular activities. Even though natural therapies like honey, ginger, and steam inhalation might be soothing, it’s crucial to see a doctor if your dry cough persists or is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms. Our devoted staff at Al Hilal Hospitals is prepared to help you properly manage and treat your dry cough. Do not let a dry cough interfere with your health. Act now and get the treatment you need.

If you’re experiencing a persistent dry cough, book an appointment with our ENT specialist at Al Hilal Hospital to learn more about our comprehensive treatment options and schedule a consultation with our healthcare professionals. Remember, timely intervention can help alleviate your symptoms and restore your comfort.