Effective Home Remedies for Sore Throat

August 2, 2023

It can be uncomfortable and challenging to speak or swallow when you have a sore throat. Al Hilal Hospitals provides efficient methods to help you get relief if you’re looking for all-natural ways to treat your sore throat symptoms.

A sore throat is a frequent condition that is characterised by pain, irritability, or itching in the throat. Numerous things, including bacterial or viral illnesses, allergies, dry air, and acid reflux, might contribute to it. For the best possible treatment, recognizing the underlying reason is crucial. However, home remedies can offer comfort and assist in reducing sore throat sensations for short-term relief.

1. Saltwater Gargle:

Warm saltwater gargles are a tried-and-true home treatment for relieving sore throats. Warm water with half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it should be gargled for 30 seconds before being spit out. This treatment eases throat irritation, reduces inflammation, and temporarily relieves pain and discomfort.

2. Honey and Warm Water:

 Honey is well known for its calming effects and can help relieve the symptoms of a sore throat. Drink warm water or herbal tea with a teaspoon of honey mixed in throughout the day. The inherent antibacterial qualities of honey may also aid in preventing infections and accelerating recovery.

3. Herbal Teas:

A painful throat may be relieved by a few herbal teas, such as chamomile, licorice root, or slippery elm. These teas have anti-inflammatory qualities and have a coating effect that helps relieve pain and irritability. For best relief, consume these teas several times daily.

4. Warm or Cold Compress:

 You can relieve discomfort and inflammation by applying a warm or cold compress to the outside of your throat. For 15-20 minutes at a time, place a tiny cloth-wrapped hot water bottle or ice pack gently on your throat.

5. Steam Inhalation:

Inhaling steam can offer momentary relief by hydrating the airways and easing throat discomfort. Put a cloth over your head, put a bowl of hot water in it, and breathe in the steam. To increase the calming effect, add essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint.

6. Maintain Hydration:

Drinking lots of liquids, such as water, herbal teas, and hot soups, keeps your throat moist and relieves pain. Additionally, adequate hydration aids in your body’s recovery process and thins mucus to ease congestion.

7. Rest Your Voice:

Giving your voice a break enables your throat to recuperate and mend. Try not to clear your throat frequently, since this might aggravate the lining of your neck. Avoid speaking loudly or for extended periods of time. It can be easier on the throat to communicate verbally or in writing.

8. Humidifier:

By adding moisture to the air in your home, a humidifier can reduce throat irritation and dryness. The symptoms of a sore throat may be relieved by doing this, particularly in dry seasons or hot indoor settings.

9. Good Hygiene and Avoiding Irritants:

Keeping your hands clean and avoiding close contact with people who have respiratory infections are two habits that can help stop the spread of viruses and bacteria that can lead to sore throats.

Do’s & Don’ts:

-Avoid smoking and being around smoke. Whether it is primary or secondary, tobacco smoke contains hundreds of harmful compounds that can irritate the lining of the throat.

-Compared to those who don’t have allergies, you are more likely to get a sore throat if you have persistent or seasonal allergic reactions to dust, mould, or pet dander. This risk can be reduced by treating seasonal or environmental allergies.

-Avoid being around irritating chemicals. The airborne particles produced by the burning of fossil fuels and common home chemicals can irritate the throat. In some circumstances, using a mask to reduce exposure may be beneficial.

-Drainage from your nose or sinuses can irritate your throat if you frequently get sinus infections or have chronic post nasal drip. This leakage could be lessened by giving the nose a saltwater rinse.

-Viral and bacterial illnesses can spread rapidly in locations where people are near to one another, such as a daycare centre, classroom, office, dormitory, prison, or military post. As a result, you may be more susceptible to sore throats if you live or work in these settings. Keeping distance from people who may be ill and often washing your hands will help stop the spread of infection.

-Always practice proper hygiene. Avoid using shared towels, cutlery, or napkins with an infected individual. Regularly wash your hands for at least 10 to 15 seconds with soap or a sanitizing gel.

-If you have low immunity (from HIV or diabetes, steroid medication or chemotherapy, a poor diet, or extreme exhaustion, for instance), you may be more susceptible to infections in general.

To know more about prevention and treatment for sore throat, book an appointment with our ENT Specialist.

Symptoms of sore throat

Depending on the source, sore throat symptoms can change. Some warning signs and symptoms include:

  • A scratchy or painful sensation in the throat
  • Pain that gets worse when speaking or swallowing
  • Having trouble swallowing
  • aching, enlarged glands in your jaw or neck
  • red and swollen tonsils
  • Your tonsils may have pus or white areas.
  • a raspy or husky voice
  • Fever Cough
  • clogged nose
  • Sneezing
  • Body pains
  • Headache
  • nausea or diarrhoea

If you are suffering from any such symptoms, feel free to book an appointment with Al Hilal Hospitals.

When to Seek Medical Attention:

While home remedies can ease a sore throat, it’s crucial to speak with a doctor if your cough lasts longer than a few weeks or is accompanied by other unsettling symptoms.

 If you’re an adult and have a sore throat along with any of the following related issues:

-A strong sore throat or one that persists for more than a week

-Swallowing, breathing, and opening your mouth with difficulty

-Aching joints

-Fever more than 101 F (38.3 C) and an earache

-Having blood in your phlegm or saliva

-Persistent sore throats that often occur

-You have a neck lump for more than two weeks

-Swelling of the face or neck

Also,for those who have a chronic dry cough or a persistent cough that needs medical attention, book an appointment with an ENT specialist today.