Understanding Astigmatism: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

August 30, 2023

People of all ages are susceptible to astigmatism, a common eyesight disorder. It’s critical to get checked and seek expert assistance if you or a loved one experience any vision-related concerns. To guarantee that our patients have a higher quality of life, our team of professionals at Al Hilal Hospitals is committed to offering top-notch eye care services.

A refractive defect of the eye called astigmatism develops when the cornea or lens is shaped irregularly. The cornea and lens of a healthy eye are both smooth and uniformly curved, which enables light to focus precisely on the retina. The cornea or lens of astigmatic eyes, on the other hand, has a more football-like shape, which causes blurred or distorted vision at different distances. Myopia (nearsightedness) or hyperopia (farsightedness) are frequently present alongside this disease.

It’s crucial to schedule an eye test if you suspect you have astigmatism or notice any vision problems. To identify the existence and degree of astigmatism, your eye care expert will conduct a variety of tests during the comprehensive eye exam, including a visual acuity test, retinoscopy, and keratometry. These non-invasive, painless tests can help confirm the issue and choose the best course of action by providing important information.

Astigmatism symptoms:

Astigmatism symptoms can range in severity and may seem different to various people. The most typical astigmatism signs are listed below in further detail:

  1. Blurred or Distorted eyesight: One of the defining signs of astigmatism is blurred or distorted eyesight. All objects may appear fuzzy, making it difficult to read, drive, or identify people. The haziness can impair both close-up and far-away vision.
  1. Eye Strain and weariness: Astigmatic people frequently experience eye strain and weariness, particularly following extended activities like reading, using digital gadgets, or focusing on things at various distances. This discomfort could be more noticeable in dimly lit areas.
  1. Headaches: Frequent headaches can result from astigmatism-related eye strain, especially when performing tasks that require good vision. The eyes can be rested to ease these headaches, which can range in intensity from mild to severe.
  1. Squinting: Astigmatic individuals may unintentionally squint their eyes in an effort to sharpen their focus. Squinting briefly modifies the shape of the eye, which may improve eyesight by changing how light enters the eye.
  1. Double Vision: Astigmatism can result in diplopia, sometimes known as double vision. This happens when the two independent images created by the light entering the eye overlap or appear as ghost images.
  1. Halos or Glare Around Lights: People with astigmatism may notice halos or glare around bright lights, especially at night. Due to this impact, it may be challenging to see well at night or in low light.
  1. Difficulty Seeing Fine Details: Because astigmatism can impair visual acuity, it might be difficult to notice small print or detailed patterns.
  1. Variable eyesight Quality: Astigmatic individuals may experience varying eyesight throughout the day. It might be annoying and unpredictable to experience this fluctuation in visual sharpness.
  1. Eye Irritation: Astigmatism can irritate or cause general eye pain, leaving the eyes feeling drained or scratchy.

If you or someone you know experiences any of these symptoms, it is crucial to schedule an eye examination with an optometrist or ophthalmologist at Al Hilal Hospitals. Call us now to make an appointment. Early detection and appropriate treatment can help manage astigmatism and improve visual clarity, reducing the impact of symptoms on daily life.

Astigmatism causes:

Astigmatism is thought to be caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors, although its exact cause is not always known. Among the potential reasons are:

  1. Heredity: Astigmatism can be passed down through families, so if one or both of your parents have it, you may be more likely to as well.
  2. Corneal scarring: Astigmatism may result from stress or injury to the cornea.
  3. Keratoconus: This progressive eye disorder results in astigmatism by making the cornea thin and cone-shaped.
  4. Shape changes in the lenses: Astigmatism can be exacerbated by age-related lens shape changes.

Keeping your vision in good shape and spotting any eye disorders early on requires routine eye exams. Make regular trips to Al Hilal Hospitals a priority for your eye health.

Although astigmatism normally doesn’t change over time, a few things could speed up the process:

  1. Failing to use prescribed glasses or contact lenses can strain the eyes and exacerbate astigmatism symptoms.
  2. Neglecting routine eye exams: Routine eye exams are essential to monitor your eye health and catch any astigmatism changes early on.
  3. Bad digital device habits: Extended periods of screen time without breaks can strain the eyes and make astigmatism-related discomfort worse.

Astigmatism Treatment Options:

The good news is that astigmatism can be successfully treated, giving patients a better quality of life and clearer eyesight. Treatment methods include: depending on the astigmatism’s severity and the patient’s needs

  1. Glasses: The most popular and straightforward method to treat astigmatism is using prescription eyewear. The cornea’s uneven curvature is made up for by specially crafted lenses, which let light properly focus on the retina.
  1. Soft toric contact lenses are another well-liked astigmatism correction solution. They are made to be comfortable and sturdy on the eye, allowing for clear vision despite the irregular shape.
  1. Refractive surgery: For individuals looking for a more long-term fix, astigmatism can be corrected with corneal reshaping procedures like LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) or PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy).
  1. Orthokeratology: In this non-surgical method, the cornea is temporarily reshaped by wearing specialized gas-permeable contact lenses during the course of the night. Clear vision can be had throughout the day without the need for glasses or contacts thanks to the effects, which can last all day.

Find the astigmatism correction solution that best suits your interests and way of life. No matter if you prefer eyeglasses, contact lenses, or are thinking about refractive surgery, our specialists at Al Hilal Hospitals will direct you to the best option.

Millions of individuals all around the world suffer from astigmatism, a common eyesight disorder. However, clean vision is attainable with the proper diagnosis and therapy. Al Hilal Hospitals is dedicated to offering the highest quality vision care solutions, including thorough eye exams and individualized astigmatism correction alternatives.

 Make an appointment with us right away to take the first step towards healthier eyesight. Remember, a future with more light and clarity is ahead!