Root Canal Treatment: Everything you need to know.

February 21, 2023

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry that mainly deals with root canal treatment. The procedure is about removing the dead and infected nerves followed by restoring the tooth. With the use of advanced techniques this procedure is usually painless and is carried out in one or more sessions.

How is Root Canal Treatment performed?

The root canal treatment starts with making a small opening in the crown of tooth and accessing the damaged pulp tissue and removing it. The dentist will clean, sterilize, and shape the affected area, fill the root canals with rubber-like material (gutta-percha) and move on to seal the tooth.

Once root canal therapy is performed, the tooth might become prone to fracture and brittle- that is why it is typically recommended to get dental crown for protection. The new restoration looks, feels, and functions like the natural tooth, and with well-maintained oral hygiene practice, it can last a lifetime.

What Causes Root Canal

The patients often ask: what causes root canal? The procedure is required only if the tooth is seriously infected or badly decayed. To prevent extraction and to protect the tooth, nerve and surrounding pulp is extracted by the dentist, and the tooth is sealed shut. Once the nerve is removed, the tooth is unable to sense hot and cold; however, it stays in place and can perform normally otherwise.

Generally, signs of tooth decay start appearing months, or even years before root canal treatment is considered necessary, and hence early intervention can avoid the procedure. However, there are certain situations that make the root canal treatment more likely, including:

  • Failure to floss or brush every day.
  • Skipping regular visits to dentists.
  • Long-term gum diseases.

Click here for more information about Root Canal Treatment– by Dr. Komal Sharma, Dentist, Al Hilal Hospital, Bahrain.

For consultation regarding root canal treatment near me, contact Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Dental and Dentistry, and get an appointment with the best Dentist in Bahrain. We offer attractive and affordable packages, with root canal treatment cost starting from 100 BD only.

Our representatives are available on WhatsApp helpline, in Al Hilal Manama, Salmabad, Riffa and Muharraq branches. We also offer exclusive packages and privilege cards for additional benefits- to provide affordable yet exceptional healthcare services to all our patients.

Signs of Tooth Decay/ Tooth Pulp Infection

The usual signs of tooth pulp infection include pain in tooth, increased sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, swelling of gums and discoloration of tooth. Sometimes, there are no symptoms at all, and hence it is recommended to visit dentist once every six months- to address the problems before it progresses.

For regular dental consultation, get in touch with Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Dental and Dentistry, and get an appointment with the best Dentist in Bahrain.

Root Canal Treatment Pain

The procedure is generally performed under local anesthetic or dental sedation, to ensure comfort of the patient during the procedure. Root canal treatment pain is similar to getting a dental filling- the patient might feel movements and pressure but not much pain.

After the procedure, once the anesthetic starts wearing off, the patient might feel mild tenderness, pain, and sensitivity, but it is much less than the pain of infected tooth. Over-the-counter medication can be used to relieve pain and discomfort. However, if the pain continues to increase, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Click here for more information about Root Canal Treatment– by Dr. Komal Sharma, Dentist, Al Hilal Hospital, Bahrain.

For consultation regarding root canal treatment near me, contact Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Dental and Dentistry, and get an appointment with the best Dentist in Bahrain. We offer attractive and affordable packages, with root canal treatment cost starting from 100 BD only.

Root Canal Treatment Side Effects

Some of the possible root canal treatment side effects include:

  • Discoloration of tooth– removal of nerves from the tooth might cause slight discoloration in some patients.
  • Reduction in tooth function– tooth structure could become slightly weak after the procedure and might not function the same way as before.
  • Re-infection– once root canal treatment is performed there can still be changes of reinfection in the same tooth.
  • Inflammation– slight pain and inflammation might be observed for a few days after the procedure.
  • Fracture of the tooth- root canal treated teeth are prone to fracture unless covered by a crown.

Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Dental and Dentistry

For more information about root canal treatment, or any other dental problem, contact Al Hilal Hospital, Department of Dental and Dentistry. We offer attractive and affordable packages for root canal treatment, starting from 100 BD only.

At Al Hilal Hospital Bahrain, we have highly qualified and experienced doctors, modern equipment, and state-of-the-art laboratories, to provide early detection and treatment options for all patients. Get in touch today, and book consultation with the best Dentist in Bahrain.

Our representatives are available on WhatsApp helpline, in Al Hilal Manama, Salmabad, Riffa and Muharraq branches. We also offer exclusive packages and privilege cards for additional benefits, to provide affordable yet exceptional healthcare services to all our patients.

Written by: Dr. Komal Sharma