Dr. Sunil Kumar Denthumdas


Completed BDS in 2001 and MDS in Periodontics in 2006, from Bangalore, India.

17+ years experience

Have been working as Specialist Periodontist with more than 17 years’ experience. Have worked in Ministry of Health, Bahrain for over 8 years.

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Wed : 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM


  • Completed BDS in 2001 and MDS in Periodontics in 2006, from Bangalore, India.


Main scope of work deals with:

  • Comprehensive Gum Evaluation
  • Non-Surgical Treatments like deep cleaning
  • Surgical Periodontal Therapy with bone grafting to strengthen the gums and the bone to increase the bone support for teeth and thereby prevent tooth loss.
  • Cosmetic Gum Procedures to improve smile. Control of gum infections not only prevents tooth loss but also helps to normalize blood sugar level in diabetic patients, reduces the risk for heart problems, stroke, kidney disease etc.


  • Have attended many conferences to be updated with the latest developments in dentistry and use the latest methods for treating patients for best outcomes.


  • Indian Dental Association, Indian Society of Periodontology

A periodontist helps ensure that your gums and jawbone are as healthy as your teeth, using both traditional and advanced techniques to keep your smile strong, beautiful, and free of pain. Whether it’s reversing gum disease, replacing lost teeth, or giving you a more confident smile, the expertise covers all the key areas for lasting oral health.

List of procedures

1. Scaling and polishing
2. Splinting – treatment for loose or shifting teeth
3. Deep cleaning, Root planning and curettage – for severe gum infections to control the bone loss, bleeding from gums and bad breath.
4. Periodontal flap surgery / Gum surgery – for advanced gum disease with bone loss
5. Bone grafting – Use of artificial bone grafts and membranes for bone regeneration
6. Gingivectomy for treatment of gingival enlargements (gum swellings)
7. Periodontal plastic surgery / Gum grafting – for treatment of receding gums
8. Frenectomy
9. Depigmentation of gingiva (Treatment for dark colored gums)
10. Crown lengthening
11. Cosmetic gum surgery for “gummy smile” (SMILE DESIGNING)
12. Surgical exposure of impacted teeth to facilitate tooth eruption
13. Laser treatment for gum disease
14. Crowns and bridges
15. Cosmetic fillings
16. Treatment for tooth hypersensitivity