
Endometriosis is a disorder, in which the layer lining the inside of the uterus, is found to line the organs outside the uterus. About 25% of the women do not experience any symptoms like pelvic pain. This condition is mostly observed in the women between, the age group of 30-40 years.

What is laparotomy?

Laparotomy is a surgical procedure which is used to examine and diagnose the problems related to the abdominal organs. Laparotomy helps in identifying the extent of the injury and the organs involved. The procedure also aids in detecting the evidence of cancer in the abdominal region.
Based on the physical examination and pattern of signs and symptoms, laparoscopic surgery may help treat endometriosis.

Who should undergo endometriosis excision?

Women who are intending to retain their uterus for a future pregnancy must undergo a laparoscopic endometriosis.
Laparoscopic endometriosis excision is used to remove the diseased tissue and enhance the fertility rate.

What are the benefits of laparotomy?

The following are the benefits of laparoscopic endometriosis:

  • Less number of incisions
  • Shorter stay at hospital
  • Significantly lesser pain
  • Quick recovery
  • High success rate

The following are the surgical procedures that are executed to reduce the endometrial pain:

  • Removal of adhesions
  • Removal of uterus (hysterectomy)
  • Destruction of ovarian endometriosis
  • Removal of ovaries (oophorectomy)
Before the surgery

Before undergoing the laparoscopic endometriosis excision, the doctor advises the patient to follow certain instructions to make the patient suitable for the surgery.

The following measures are to be taken before undergoing surgery:

  • Do not eat or drink at least 8 hours before the surgery.
  • Stop using vitamin, natural supplements, and analgesics.
  • Take a light diet on the previous day of the surgery.
During the procedure

The surgeon administers general anesthesia before starting the procedure; this helps in avoiding any discomfort to the patient during the surgery. The surgeon then makes a small incision to examine the pelvic organs. During the procedure, any abnormal conditions such as endometriosis lesions, adhesions, and scarring are identified and are fixed. The surgeon may also recommend another laparotomy if required. After fixing the conditions, the muscle of the abdominal wall is sutured.

After the surgery

The laparoscopic procedure usually doesn’t require a hospital stay. Following certain measures enables the patient for a quick recovery. The clinical staff continuously monitors the patient for ensuring the stability of vitals such as blood pressure and heart rate. Pain medications are prescribed to help the patient ease with the surgical pain.

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Complications of the surgery

The complications associated with laparoscopic endometriosis excision are infrequent. However, there are chances that few patients may report complications, which include:

  • Infection in the pelvic region
  • Damage to the organs (bladder, bowel, uterus or kidneys)
  • Uncontrolled bleeding due to improper incision

The recovery time for the surgery is usually six weeks. However, the patient must report to the doctor if any unusual symptoms are noticed, this helps the patient to recover faster without any further complications.